Habarlar / News
The President of Turkmenistan held a business meeting through a digital network

On July 1, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a business meeting through the digital network with the participation of the Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev and governors of the provinces. In it, issues related to the progress of seasonal work in the agricultural complex and regions of the country were considered.

First, the governor of Ahal Velayat R. Khojagulyev was promised.

He reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the province.

As noted, grain harvest is currently underway in the region. Necessary arrangements are being made for an organized harvesting season. Wheat seed is being prepared for next year's crop. Harvesting is carried out in the fields freed from grain harvesting. Emphasis is placed on the efficient operation of machinery for timely, loss-free transportation of the harvested crop from receiving points to warehouses and elevators. Care work in the cotton fields of the province continues according to the norms of agrotechnics. Along with harvesting the harvested crop of yarrow and other horticultural crops, preparations for the autumn planting of these crops are carried out simultaneously. In addition, the mayor reported on the status of construction works on cultural-life and industrial facilities that are planned to be put into use in the province this year in accordance with the Rural National Program.

Listening to the report, the President emphasized the importance of harvesting the cultivated wheat crop without loss in a short period of time, carrying out the cotton care work in agro-technical terms, and gave a number of specific instructions to the governor in this regard. Also, the Turkmen leader instructed the governor to monitor the quality of construction work on various facilities that are planned to be opened and put into use in the province this year.

Then the Governor of Balkan Velayat H. Ashirmyradov reported on the seasonal agricultural activities in the Velayat.

As noted in the report, appropriate activities are being carried out to collect the wheat crop grown by the farmer's efforts, to receive the crop at the receiving points without interruption, to transport it to warehouses and elevators, to cultivate wheat-free fields, and to prepare high-quality wheat seeds for the next year's crop. Row treatment, feeding with mineral fertilizers and catchment of growing water are ongoing in the fields planted with guava. Harvesting of potato and other horticultural crops in the agricultural fields of the region is being carried out. At the same time, preparations are being made for the autumn planting of these crops. In addition, the governor reported on the construction of cultural-life and industrial facilities that are planned to be opened and used in the province this year in accordance with the 2022-2028 Program for the economic development of our country.

Listening to the report, the Turkmen leader gave specific instructions to the governor, noting that all necessary measures should be taken to collect the wheat crop grown with the hard work of our grain farmers in a short period of time and without loss, to carry out cotton care work in a suitable, agro-technical terms. Also, the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan instructed to monitor the completion of construction works on various purpose-built facilities that are planned to be opened and put into use in the province this year.

The business meeting held through the digital network continued with the report of Dashoguz Velayat Governor S. Soltanmyradov on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the Velayat.

As mentioned, in order to collect a large crop of cultivated wheat in a short period of time without loss, combine harvesters and wheat transport trucks are operated smoothly, the daily harvest is received smoothly at grain receiving points and transported to elevators and warehouses. Preparation of wheat seed for the next year's harvest, plowing of unharvested fields was started. In the cotton fields of the province, row treatment, feeding with mineral fertilizers, water harvesting are carried out in accordance with the norms of agrotechnics. In these works, agricultural machinery is used in full force. Based on the tasks set by Yeralma to further increase the production of edible vegetables and garden crops in the country, work is being done to collect the crops grown in the province and to prepare the fields for their planting in the fall season of this year in accordance with the requirements of agrotechnics. Care and feeding with mineral fertilizers in the rice fields of the province are ongoing. In addition, the mayor reported on the status of construction works on cultural-life and industrial facilities that are planned to be put into use in the province this year in accordance with the National Village Program.

After listening to the report, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan said that the current developments in agriculture

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