Habarlar / News
Caspian Sea Day Solemnly Celebrated in Turkmenistan

The Avaza National Tourist Zone hosted a ceremonial celebration of the Caspian Sea Day, which was attended by representatives of the Caspian states and international organizations, TDH reports.

The scientific and practical conference "Caspian Sea: Partnership for Sustainable Development" became the central event of the event. The conference was attended by high-ranking officials of Turkmenistan, diplomats from the Caspian countries, as well as representatives of international organizations such as the UN, OSCE and the World Bank. The participants discussed a wide range of issues related to the sustainable development of the region, environmental protection and strengthening international cooperation.

The conference discussed key issues of cooperation between the Caspian countries in the field of ecology, economics and social sphere. The participants noted the importance of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea, which was ratified by all Caspian states and serves as the basis for the development of new legal acts.

Particular attention was paid to issues of environmental monitoring and scientific research aimed at preserving biological diversity and restoring the ecosystems of the Caspian Sea. Representatives of international organizations such as the UN and OSCE expressed support for Turkmenistan's initiatives to ensure environmental safety and rational use of sea resources.

A thematic exhibition dedicated to the nature of the Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan's achievements in environmental protection was organized in the lobby of the hotel complex.

The conference participants highly appreciated Turkmenistan's efforts to create a favorable investment climate and develop the Avaza tourist zone, which serves as an example of rational use of the region's natural resources.

At the end of the event, the participants expressed a unanimous opinion on the need to continue cooperation and strengthen partnerships to ensure sustainable development of the Caspian region.

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