Habarlar / News
The President of Turkmenistan congratulated the participants of the scientific-practical conference held on the occasion of the Caspian Sea Day

Today, Caspian Sea Day is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan, and within the framework of the planned activities, a scientific-practical conference called "Caspian Sea: Cooperation for Sustainable Development" is being held at Berkarar Hotel in Avaza National Tourism Zone. On this occasion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a greeting to the participants of this scientific-practical meeting.

In his congratulation published in "Turkmenistan" newspaper, the Turkmen leader states:

"Dear Council Participants!

I heartily congratulate you on the occasion of the Caspian Sea Day, which is celebrated at the highest organizational level every year on August 12, and on the launch of the scientific-practical conference "Caspian Sea: Cooperation for Sustainable Development".

Turkmenistan regularly takes important initiatives to develop trade-economic, cultural-life relations in the region of the Caspian Sea, which are widely supported by the Caspian states. Our country is implementing large-scale program works to transform the Caspian Sea into a place of peace, trust and ecological well-being. The first Caspian Summit held in Ashgabat in 2002 at the initiative of Turkmenistan was an important step in cooperation between Caspian states. This historic event was a solid foundation for the development of relations in all areas, and gave a great impetus to solving many problems for cooperation in the region. The first Caspian Summit is of great importance in the preparation of several multilateral documents on the Caspian Sea region, including the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea.

The first Caspian Economic Forum was held on the initiative of Turkmenistan on August 12, 2019 in Avaza National Tourism Zone, in order to promote trade and economic relations that will promote their development by effectively using the existing transit transport opportunities between the Caspian countries. This forum revealed new areas of mutual interest for cooperation in all sectors of the economy. The holding of the sixth Caspian Summit in Ashgabat in 2022 was an important step in the effective continuation of cooperation between the Caspian states and set forth the urgent tasks of preserving the Caspian ecology.

Dear Councillors!

Based on the policy of positive neutrality, Turkmenistan continues its efforts to make the Caspian Sea a sea of ​​peace, trust and friendship. Our country is committed to the development of close cooperation between the Caspian states in energy, transport-logistics, industry, and trade sectors.

The tasks of preserving the environment of the Caspian Sea and ensuring ecological well-being in the region are always in focus as an important area of ​​cooperation between the five countries. The Caspian Sea and its environment are a unique natural complex that is sensitive to various emerging threats, including climate change threats. In this regard, Turkmenistan invites all the countries of the region and interested international organizations to continue joint cooperation in the scientific study and preservation of the rich ecosystems of the Caspian Sea and its unique biological diversity. We put forward a proposal to create the "Khazar Ecological Initiative" for detailed and high-level communication on a wide range of tasks related to solving ecological problems in the Caspian region. We strongly believe that the implementation of this initiative will serve as an important tool in unifying the efforts of countries aimed at ecological well-being and taking more effective steps together in the future.

Dear Councillors!

Dear guests!

Consultations, cultural and sports events held on the occasion of Caspian Sea Day will greatly contribute to the strengthening of peace, friendship and trust in the region. Once again I sincerely congratulate you on Caspian Sea Day. I wish you good health, long life, prosperity, great success in your endeavors.

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