Habarlar / News
Turkmenistan took part in the 2nd meeting of transport ministers of Central Asian countries in Astana

On August 8, the Second Meeting of Transport Ministers of Central Asia was held in Astana on the eve of the VI Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia.

The meeting was attended by the transport ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

As reported by newscentralasia.net with reference to the Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan, during the meeting, topical issues of cooperation in the areas of transit corridors, rail and road transport, as well as air transport were discussed.

The ministers of the countries of the region signed a memorandum on cooperation between the countries in the framework of creating a favorable environment for attracting investment, developing infrastructure and improving the regulatory framework governing the activities of transport and logistics centers.

As part of the meeting, the participants visited an electric locomotive assembly plant in Astana. Here they got acquainted with the production capabilities of locomotive manufacturing. The guests also took part in a ceremonial meeting organized by the Ministry in honor of Road Workers' Day, the source notes.

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