Habarlar / News
Ashgabat is recruiting for paid courses in television and radio broadcasting and cinematography

The Vocational School of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography of Turkmenistan has announced recruitment for fee-based courses for the 2024-2025 academic year.

According to the MIC, the courses include training in the following specialties:

TV and radio directing
Organization and preparation of television programs.
Assistant sound engineer
TV and film cameraman
Sports observer
Computer editor
Assistant director-producer
Information system management
Telecommunications activities
Archival work
3D modeling and animation of computer games.
The duration of the courses is one and a half years.

Graduates who complete their studies are awarded a state-approved diploma of initial vocational education.

Address: Ashgabat, Mati Kosayev Street, 68.

Inquiry phones: (+993 12) 36-10-09; 36-38-64.

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