Habarlar / News
The President of Turkmenistan made a working visit to the Balkan region

The President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, made a working visit to the western region of the country.

In the morning, the President's helicopter headed from the capital to Gyzylarbat Etrap of the Balkan Velayat.

The Turkmen leader's helicopter landed near the wheat field of the "Arkach" farmers association in Gyzylarbat district. Here, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was cordially welcomed by the leaders of the agricultural sector of the country, the governor of the Balkan Velayat.

This season, high-yielding varieties of white wheat were planted in the farmlands of the Balkans. Thanks to the support of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the development of the agro-industrial complex, modern grain harvesters of famous companies such as "John Deere" and "SLAAS" are effectively used during the grain harvest season. These machines are operated around the clock, helping farmers to harvest their crops quickly and without loss.

Here, the brothers Annaguly and Ashyrguly Annagulyev, tenants of the "Arkach" farmers association, warmly greeted the Turkmen leader. They noted that the Turkmen leader's business trip to Balkan Velayat is a proud event for the residents of the province and said that yesterday in Balkan Velayat, when the President gave his blessing, wheat harvest was started with the honored elders. They respectfully requested the Turkmen leader to bless the beginning of the wheat harvest on this fertile land with the arrival of our beloved Hero Sardar today.

The President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said "Bismilla" at the request of the tenants and with the zeal of the farmer he harvested a field of wheat and blessed the grain harvester. At that moment, powerful machines began harvesting the rich harvest.

The Turkmen leader watched the harvesting of grain by grain harvesters in the wheat field of "Arkach" farmers association. The vast expanse of grain fields is a testament to the success of our farmers this year. The well-settled cornfields seem to symbolize the unfailing prosperity of our people.

Vice Premier T. Atahalliyev reported to the Turkmen leader on the progress of the wheat harvest in the country. As it was mentioned, now the harvest of grain has started in all five provinces of our region and the season is going on hotly. Special attention is paid to efficient operation of powerful agricultural machinery.

The President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the wheat harvest grown by the farmer's efforts is one of the main conditions for increasing the food supply in the country. instructed to monitor the implementation of their work in strict compliance with the norms of agrotechnics.

The Turkmen leader familiarized himself with the exhibition of vegetables and fruits, varieties of grain crops, bread and bakery products organized here. It should be noted that the bakery products in the exhibition are made from this year's first harvest of wheat. Our people have always considered bread as sacred. The diversity of the displayed products is a clear sign of the richness of the Turkmen land. Currently, on the basis of the program activities carried out in the country, abundant crops of white wheat, vegetables, fruits and cereals are grown in our country, and the food of our people is a blessing to every family hearth.

The products grown by farmers, especially cereals, are distinguished by their high quality, nutrition, and ecological purity. This means that the products ripening in the Turkmen land under the abundant sun meet high quality standards in terms of all indicators.

Later, the President of Turkmenistan talked to the young tenants Annagulyevs and was interested in their working conditions, the types of crops grown on the leased land, and the yield of the grain fields.

The Kerendechi brothers Annagulyevs said that thanks to the opportunities created by the President and our Heroic Friend, there are all conditions for young people to work diligently and productively. They have been farming since 2020. Annaguly expects to harvest 256 tons of wheat from 64 hectares of land this year. In addition to wheat, 15 hectares of cotton, 5.7 hectares of wheat and 4 hectares of vegetables are planted. He said he planted 4 hectares of vegetable crops.

Our dear Hero Sardar is wheat this year

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